
Friday, 6 June 2014


by Andrea ( Bea )Vonk • 06/06/2014

Photo: Andrea ( Bea ) Vonk  Styling: Andrea ( Bea) Vonk

If there’s one flower that we see at this time of year when we go for a walk in the English countryside , it's the Dog-roseI't's such a pleasure to come across it, as it holds  for us both links to the past and to today.The dog rose was the stylised rose of medieval European heraldry and  according to the Victorian language of flowers, symbolises pleasure and pain. Dog roses, with their innocent and modest  open flowers seem to hark back to a simpler and better time and I feel privileged every time I come across them .In autumn, it produces bright red rosehips that are often eaten by birds.It can also be a useful plant in your garden too - the nectar -filled flowers attract many insects. The fruit is noted for it's high vitamin C level and is used to make syrup, tea and jam and I fondly recollect the rose-hip jams my mum used to make when I was a child .It certainly is worthwhile trying to re-create these this autumn.   I’ve included some more details below on this adorable flower.   xo, Bea

Additional Information about the dog-rose :
  • Full NameRosa Canina
  • Varieties: There are many species of thw wild rose, which are all very similar , they all have white or pink flowers, throns and red hips in winter .
  • Size: Dog-roses grow as a scrambling shrub, and can span from 1-5 m, though sometimes it can scramble higher into the crowns of taller trees.  

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Bea,
    The Rosa Canina is a very strong and giving rose. In The Netherlands we had it on a border besides the garage; on city grounds. It was always a lovely, low growing cover.
    Enjoy the English countryside; we have so many fond memories of it but that's quite some years ago...


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