
Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New year to you and all your family !!! Last year was one heck of a year for me , with my stepdad dying in October, and my mum moving into a care home with, but things are slowly getting better- so for all of you out there with that little bit of extra heart ache and worries in your life- may 2013 be a year where things get better and you can be filled with happiness and peace.



  1. Hey Sweet Lady,

    I'm sorry to hear of all you've been through recently. I hope 2013 treats you like the queen you are.



  2. Bea- I hope 2013 is a whole lot better for you- God bless- xo Diana

  3. I thought I left you a message earlier but I guess I didn't. Happy New Year to you and I hope 2013 is a better year for you- xo Diana

  4. you have had your trials, blessings to you in 2012

  5. Dearest Bea,
    Indeed, may 2013 be a bit more quiet and peaceful so you can spent your time and thought on creating wonderful things. Not in a rush and last minute as you did in 2012. With excellent results though but at a high price... stress and often we are prone to a cold or some sort of illness.
    Hugs to you and again wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy 2013!


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