
Sunday, 8 July 2012

The Hampton Court Flower Show Visit- part 1

Here's a bit of an armchair trip for all of you to the Hampton Court Flower Show 2012. I love gardens- but normally don't really go to big gardens shows.It's really a matter of finding the time and the energy( and the money! ) !But this year I decided to go to the Hamton Court Flower Show- not only for the enjoyment - but also as research to see if it would be worthwhile to participate in the future with my fledgling business "My Aunt Agatha".

Here are a few of my favourites.. This company is called A Place In The Garden

Wow! What a lovely display I thought..If you look at the floor you can see the rain .. these people stood outside all day in the pouring rain with their beautiful planters and fountains- luckily the sun came out later on in the day.
Here's a close-up of one of their fountains.

They also had fabulous decorative zinc balls like below.

Definitely on my list for Birthday presents!!Iwould love a few of their tall zinc planters- and only a snip at £350,- ( Well.. OK, it's a lot of money but the planters are fabulous).
The next stand I loved was Marble by Design.

How clever to paint the stand inside a dark-ish grey, so the reliefs and statues could stand out.

This one below was my favourite- but sadly sold out when I popped by at the end of the show to take it home !Aargh!

Grey was definitely the colour " Du Jour" as I also noticed a stand painted grey -inside the Country Living Marquee -by David Austin Roses.Also quite pretty!

I loved the three dimensional detail of the name of the company standing out in white..very smart!

It started to really pour down with rain so we managed to get into one of the floral marquees to admire the flower display- some really lovely new ones, like this Dahlia- wow!

Here's another shot of this fabulous flower.

And I loved this strange purple and white clematis..pretty striking!

I am normally not really into Bonsai Trees but this one -  about the size of a mid sized labrador -  I could live with  - so sweet!!
How bravely in stands , against some imaginary storm- heartwarming !

We grabbed a coffee and some lunch in an open marquee and looked at the rain. The ground could not cope with the rainfall ! Pretty bad, eh.

The Country Living Marquee was choc-a bloc with people and stands.
My friend Tanja who came with me, and made the whole day so enjoyable ( as there is nothing more fun as to go somewhere with a good friend)  bought a lovely hat from Boo ( Peak and Brim ) Hats

They did an absolutely roaring trade- and you can see why as the hats were super.

The weather luckily cleared and we visited some ( outside ) show gardens..
This one ( a gold medal winner ) was one of my favourites..just lovely! Here you can see the whole sitting area..this garden was called " Comtemporary contemplation ".
 Here are some more shots of this lovely design.The link to this garden on the RHS website is here

And here is another picture of it.

There was lots more to see but I will leave that till later in the week as I am now going to take a break and have a cup of tea.

See you later on - and have a great week !!




  1. Bea- What a gorgeous show you attended. I love the rabbit freize..that is really cute. The flowers are amazing and that hat is just darling- xo Diana

  2. Dearest Bea,

    Oh my, that was quite some rain! So sorry for the people that had their setting in the outdoors. But after all, you did have a lovely time with your friend. Her hat is so cute! They had a fantastic assortment of summer hats on their site, even with peonies.
    Looking forward to more info later in the week. Have a great start of the new week.

  3. What a lovely site this is! It reminds me of Victoria Magazine, Country Living and English Gardens all in one.

  4. Looks like we missed a really wonderful show this year. I love all that green and white and the hare plaque. So want that! x


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