
Saturday, 15 October 2011

A room with a view

If you are going through a bad time, it sometimes helps to look at the positive things in your life and to count your blessings.And when you have counted them all , you will sometimes be surprised how blessed you are !

Some years ago, I was feeling rather sorry for myself after some medical treatment and was reading the local paper when my eye fell on a small notice  put in by the editor.

" Artist wanted for mural" it read. The story that followed was kind  of heartbreaking.The nurse of a patient in a care home had gone to the paper to ask if they could help.She looked daily after a woman of about my own age.The patient not only had a degenerative disease, and was in a wheelchair .She was so ill that she was completely dependent on her carers for everything.On top of all that, her room that she spent most of her time in, looked out on a stone wall. The care home had no money for any decorations or paintings.The mural had to be done on panels as the wall was part of a historical building and was not supposed to be altered.The care home could afford to repay the paint and the wood, but could not afford an artist's fee.The nurse and the patient hoped somewhere, someone was able to help them.

What the patient liked most of all would be to have something to look at that would cheer her up.
She had been a caterer in her young and busy life with a young family , and going to the markets and looking at market stalls full of glorious and colourful produce, and walking along the busy crowds was something she really missed.
I remember looking at myself , my healthy arms and legs, and feeling ashamed of my good fortune.
I could have been that person , sitting in a wheelchair and looking at a bare wall. Instead , I was healthy and could do loads of things.
I also felt grateful, that in this case , I did have the talent to paint so I could actually do something for someone else who really needed my help.
I could not give her her life and her health back, but I could certainly give her a room with a view.
I called the nursing home and the rest is history.
Joan ( that was the patient's name )  did get her flowers and vegetables, and her room with a view.
This is part of the right hand side of the mural.I painted it on three panels.

The panels were painted in separately away from the site and and then later installed on the wall.
I came to inspect the whole thing, and the colours came up to greet you .
The whole corridor was filled with colour.
But more special than anything, was how happy she was .I will never forget the look of  happiness on her face.

So if you feel bad about yourself or your life, do something good for someone else.You won't regret it.
I never did.I am grateful I could help.And yes- it is better to give than to receive- honestly.
Have a fabulous weekend.

linking to
Inspiration Friday
fancy this friday
show and tell friday
frugal friday
feature yourself friday
feathred nest friday
tickled pink friday
weekend wrapup party


  1. what a beautiful post! God bless :)

  2. That is such a lovely story, I just had to comment.

    You're a genuinely giving woman to have done that for Joan. And your story has made my day, so your painting just keeps giving joy to others as well!

    It's beautiful.

  3. Oh! My eyes are filled with tears as I type this. What a wonderful thing you did to bless this woman! You used your incredible talent to put a smile on her face and make her life a little brighter. :-) The murals are just beautiful and that last picture of the 2 of you says it all! Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Inspiration Friday this truly was inspiring!

  4. Dearest Bea,

    What an incredible story of LOVE and giving. The Rotary Club's motto is: Service Above Self... You certainly did just that. How it must have lifted up poor Joan's spirit! For receiving from someone else a FREE insight into the life she so treasured and came to miss in a sad way.
    Love and a HUGE killer hug to you,


  5. What an incredible story- You are such a wonderful person. Thank you so much for sharing this at Feathered Nest Friday.

  6. Hi Bea, what a wonderful true life story. Your heart must be as big as the moon. You did such a beautiful job too. I found and am now following you through My Romantic Home and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  7. Hi Bea, we love your story so much! We have shared it this week as part of our Simply Sunday post. Thank you again for sharing it with us at Inspiration Friday!


  8. What a wonderful story! Wonderful! I am your newest follower and I found you through The Picket Fence. God bless you- xo Diana

  9. Popping in from The Picket Fence. What a heartwarming story. Gave me goosebumps. And your work is simply gorgeous!

  10. What a sweet story!! I always get a lot more out of doing something for someone than they get from my gift! Your painting is truly a gift, just beautiful!


  11. This made me cry, God bless you for giving love to another without any thought of payment. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story.

  12. I just saw you features At The Picket Fence. This is such a beautiful post and you are a very special person. And such a gift you have. I'm now following you.
    Marianne :)

  13. God Bless you always Bea.

    We need more people like you in this world. I couldn't help my tears.

    Im your new ardent one.

    Could you please tell me where can i email you? I had a couple of questions.

  14. Bea, I'm stopping by from The Picket Fence where my blog was featured too this week. (Aren't those gals great?!!) Your mural beautifully captures the energy and vibrant life that your friend surely missed. What a gift you gave her! And what a gift you gave yourself when you allowed your focus to be on someone else. Wonderful reminder that our attitude is usually linked to our focus!

  15. Hello Bea!
    What an incredible story, very moving. You made an extraordinary thing for somebody else, I agreed when you say that it is better to give than to receive. We also should count our blessings, and be thankful for what God gave us.
    Send you a big hug,
    Laura =)


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