I got them here. 750 seeds for £1.89, my kinda prices, hahaha !
Problem solved.
Unless you really, really want a break from them.
Shasta daisies look a bit like a kid's drawing of a flower- all cheerful white petals and big yellow heart.
If you're sick of the relentless cheerfulness of it all, you can go all moody and edgy and grow yourself some stuff from seed that would grow everywhere anyway- thistles. This is an eryngium.
Same drill : seed packet--> sow- >plant out ->; and re-lax.
You can find it here. 15 seeds for £2.59
Perfect for the climate change as supposedly was to happen with Mediterranean weather and olive groves in the south of England.I remember that every time I put a bucket under my overflowing gutters in the torrential rain in the summers here .
So hot and dry is fine with the Eryngium- but rain too- so it's a win -win.
There are loads more thistles to grow from seed-Echinops ritro- like a blue spiky ball-super easy- I will post some pics of these once they come out.
And if you don't want to seem too scary to the neighbours, with an Addams - family style of garden full of thistles, you can go all cutesy - classic with the campanula.
I know it gets boring , but same here :seed packet--> sow- >plant out ->; and re-lax.
I got them here. 1500 seeds for....£1.89.
All these I have found super easy to grow.I had many more which did not succeed, like delphinium, and other stuff- but ..you can't always win.
Last one I would recommend- although not as vigorous as the rest..
Echinea. (Supposedly good against respiratory problems, bronchitis, sore throat, ear infections , hay fever etc etc etc . Who cares -though ..) Again : seed packet--> sow- >plant out ->; and re-lax.
Got them here. 50 seeds for £1.10
Hope you people get the seedpackets out this autumn! Have a fabulous rest of the week.
I will be bookmarking this post for next year's landscaping project!