
Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Moss topiary pots

Today, I would like to show you how to make some easy and useful topiary for indoor and table decorations.
You can, of course, take some box and cut this in a required shape.
But for indoors, this is not really any good as the box will dry out as this is an outdoor plant and it will wither away.
Here is how you make your topiary.
This is the material you need :
-some old terracotta pots
-chicken wire
Cut a a strip of about a meter or so long and about 20 or 15 centimeters wide for your pot, from the chicken wire.
 I have found secateurs really handy to cut chicken wire.
Crunch the strip of chicken wire with your hands into a dome-shape and make the bottom part fit into the top of your pot.
 Here are the two pots seen from above.
Pat and mould the moss around the chicken wire-dome.Just hold it and press it gently .This is the moss-topiary half way through.
Here are the two moss topiary pots when they are both finished.
Super simple and easy to make and practically zero costs.
It really is very handy to have a bit of topiary around for displays as it gives a bit of body to the whole display and adds a bit of a green counterpoint.
You can use it with all kind of flower displays - here below it is used with
                                                  and best of all, cheerful Daffodils.
We all can do with some cheering up from time to time and there is nothing like a bunch of daffodils to make you smile.
I have been hobbling around the house unable to stand or walk properly for a week now with a lot of pain in my knees and will see the doc tonight to see what the result of the tests are.
Keep your fingers crossed I don't have some form of arthritis as I am way too young for that and I have two little dogs I have to be able to walk!!! Plus a job to go to !
I hope I have inspired you to get to that hardware store and stock up on chicken-wire and start your own topiary !!
Happy crafting!!
 This was featured at

I am linking this to
The DIY Showoff Project Parade
table top Tuesday
Toot your horn Tuesday
get your craft on
Wow us Wednesdays
Show and tell Wednesday
Swing into Spring
Whatever goes Wednesday
Wassup Wednesday
Transformations and treasures
Tablescape Thursday
Transformation Thursday
Time travel Thursday
feathered nest friday
Inspiration Friday 
Tickled Pink Fridays
Feature yourself Friday
Show and tell Friday
Pink Saturday
Saturday night special
Seasonal Sunday
Think Pink Sunday
Easter mantel link party


Just to let you all know, this story has a happy ending.
Zippy has found a home !!
Check here for the update on Nita's blog.


  1. Always great when a dog finds a home. As you probably already know I'm a HUGE maminal lover.

    I made some similar moss balls awhile back but used foam balls, did I do wrong I never thought about using chicken wire damn it! They are inside the house near my bar. I have no clue how to maintain them I guess spraying them with water will keep from drying out to

  2. Hi Bri,
    You can use foam balls for moss topiary, no problem! Not sure if the spraying will make them keep longer... basically it's dry stuff, this moss...
    Yes , I am over the moon for little Zippy- it's just great!!

  3. Thanks so much for the tutoral, I love the topiary and you are so right...there is always a need for some greenery ! !

  4. This looks fantastic - love the outcome and the various ways you've used them!
    Thanks for sharing,

  5. Everything looks amazing. Thanks so much for sharing at my Swing into Spring party. Hope to see you again next week.

  6. Such pretty topiaries. We have two little rescued dogs too. They were 7 and 3 when we got them 4 years ago -- wonderful boys.

  7. Lieve Bea,

    Zo blij voor Zippy! Wàt een schat... Zeg kijk je even op mijn blog? Liefs,


  8. Love these. I just bookmarked this post. So if I ever have a free weekend, I am totally tackling this project!

  9. Perfect Pot! Rudi the dox says hi to Zippy!

    I am having an antique auction on my blog. All sorts of lovely and romantic finds looking for a new home. I hope you'll stop by.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Oooh wat geweldig die 'tafel topiary', je kan Nederlands lezen heb ik gezien op Mariettes blog, komt goed uit voor mij, want Engels wat moeilijk voor mij, ben nog van een jaar van de 1ste lichting Engelse lessen op school, dus..

    Ik zou je graag gaan volgen met mijn 'tuinblog, dat is het pictogrammetje wat je ziet bij mijn berichtje, een lila roos en schunsland, maar blogger wil dit nooit plaatsen bij 'de volgers' daar zet hij mijn gezichtpictogrammetje altijd neer, van mijn andere 2 blogs, dus neem me niet kwalijk daarvoor.

  11. So lovely! Topiaries are so expensive to buy and these are just beautiful! I especially love the vignettes you created with them. Thank you so much for sharing this at Inspiration are always such a welcomed guest!

  12. I have made topiaries with the styrofoam ball form but haven't thought to use the chicken wire...I will next time for sure. Love it

  13. Oh My! I love this idea! Thanks for sharing how to do it. Such a perfect thing to make with spring coming up soon!

  14. Hi
    What a beautiful blog you have!! Thanks for sharing how to make the topiaries!!!
    This is the first week I have participated in Pink Saturday and I am having so much fun! I have met so many wonderful bloggers!! I am a new blogger; therefore, I am just learning!
    I am now a follower of your blog...I hope you will drop by my blog for a visit!!
    Looking forward to getting to know you!
    ~~~rhonda~~~ xoxo

  15. Oh these are just adorable!! LOVE them! I Love topiary balls- and yours came out so sweet~ thanks for sharing at FNF! :)

  16. so cute! I love moss and topiary, so this was right up my alley! great tutorial. Here in Oregon, we have a similar climate to yours, so we have an abundance of moss right now ♥ :)
    thanks for sharing this at Transformations and Treasures!

  17. Thanks for the tutorial but most importantly, I hope that you have a good prognosis on your knees.

    Happy PS
    Deanna :D

  18. So full of SPRING! I've only made the topiaries with styrofoam balls, but this is an interesting alternative. Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  19. Thanks for the tutorial on the moss topiaries...I'd like to give these a try. Cherry Kay

  20. What a super idea. They look fabulous. Great tutorial. I love your vignette. Gorgeous. Thanks so much for the creative idea and for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  21. Very beautiful! I even have some moss...I should try to make one! Thanks! ♥

  22. Great tips for decorating with moss. I love the spring vignette you created with the daffodils - very cheerful.

    Thanks for linking to the party. I would love to have you join me each week.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  23. Love those! Who knew it could be so easy!! I really learned a lot. Thank you so much!!

    Jeanene @

  24. Hi. Thanks for joining my blog party.

    Great project for spring when we al need something that has some life to it.

  25. What a great Spring idea. Daffodils do make you smile and they go lovely with your green topiaries! A great job and great tips!

  26. What a cute project. I've been thinking about doing this for a while - thanks for posting this & reminding me I wanted to do it!

  27. Great post - just saw this. Where do you get the moss?


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